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Wobo: Providing Comprehensive Solutions for Industrial Gas Carbon Reduction
2022-04-08 08:52:41

Wobo is dedicated to becoming a premier provider of comprehensive solutions for reducing carbon emissions in industrial gases. With a commitment to making industrial gases greener, more energy-efficient, and future-oriented, Wobo seizes development opportunities bestowed by the times. Wobo's core industrial gas products include technologies such as CO2 capture and recovery co-production with nitrogen, low-concentration coalbed methane PSA methane recovery and purification, and industrial exhaust gas PSA purification and treatment technologies.

Advantages of Wobo's Products:

Utilization of co-production technology reduces shared engineering costs and lowers investment.

Materials used are highly durable with large adsorption capacities, remaining non-powdering for up to ten years.

Process designs incorporate waste heat and surplus pressure utilization, resulting in low operational energy consumption.

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